Cleaner shrimp and moray
A necessary alliance, a symbiosis even between this moray eel and this cleaning shrimp.
Depth: 65m
Author: BARATHIEU Gabriel
File state: Final
Photography size: 28.9 Mpixels (82.6 MB uncompressed) - 6582x4388 pixels (21.9x14.6 in / 55.7x37.2 cm at 300 ppi)
Photography keywords: blackpearl moray, blue, clean, cleaner, crevette, crevette nettoyeuse, crevette nettoyeuse roi, Crevette-barbier d'Ambon, crtitter, crusta, crustace, Crustacean, crustacé, fish, Giant moray, gymnothorax, Gymnothorax javanicus, image sous-marine, Lysmata Amboinensis, moray, Morena gigante, Murena gigante, murene, murène, Murène de Java, murène géante, nettoyeuse, océan, photo photo sous-marine, photo sous-marine, photographie, Physeter macrocephalus, Reuzen murene, Riesen Muräne, sea, shrimp, shrimp, underwater, underwater, underwater photography, wildlife, yellow