Sunset on the Reef
The sun is setting on the other side of Mayotte as the reef fish of the S-pass look for a place to shelter overnight. But it doesn't seem to be the case for all species...
Author: Gabriel BARATHIEU
Photography size: 179.0 Mpixels (512 MB uncompressed) - 16384x10928 pixels (54.6x36.4 in / 138.7x92.5 cm at 300 ppi)
Photography keywords: ambiance sous-marine, biodiversity, biodiversité, blue hour, corail, coral, coucher de soleil, fish, ile, image sous-marine, island, lagon, lagoon, mayotte, mi air mi eau, ocean, passe en S, Passe Longogorie, paysage récifale, photo sous-marine, photographie, poisson tropicaux, reef, reefscape, récif, sea, sous marine, split level, sunset, tropical fish, underwater, wild angle