Shark Attack Survivor
A young green turtle swimming in the peaceful waters of N'gouja Bay. This is a young turtle rescued from a shark attack. We clearly see the bite on its right back flank.
Author: BARATHIEU Gabriel
Photography size: 45.8 Mpixels (131 MB uncompressed) - 8289x5526 pixels (27.6x18.4 in / 70.2x46.8 cm at 300 ppi)
Photography keywords: attaque, blue, chelonia, chélonée franche, chélonée marine, cochon de mer, common green turtle, green, Green sea turtle, image sous-marine, morsure, mydas, ocean, océan, photo sous-marine, photographie, requin, sea, sea turtle, shark attack, tortue, tortue comestible, Tortue franche, tortue marin, tortue marine, tortue verte, tortuga blanca, Tortuga verde, turtle, tôti blan, tôti vé, underwater, underwater photography, verte