Starry moray and cleaner Shrimp!
Another picture of this yellow moray mouth and his cleaner shrimp met by bottom 55m in the Saint Rose Bay.
Author: BARATHIEU Gabriel
Photography size: 41.0 Mpixels (117 MB uncompressed) - 7839x5226 pixels (26.1x17.4 in / 66.4x44.2 cm at 300 ppi)
Photography keywords: bouche, crevette, Geelbekmurene, Gelbmaulmuräne, gueule, gymnothorax, image, image sous-marine, jaune, life, Lysmata Amboinensis, moray, Murena bocca gialla, murène, nettoyeuse, nudivomer, océan, photo, photo sous-marine, photographie, sous-matin, Starry, underwater, yellow, yellow-mouth moray
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