Bottlenose dolphin and humpback whale
A very rare photo of an Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) escorting a small group of very active humpback whales in the blue waters of Reunion Island.
Author: Gabriel BARATHIEU
Photography size: 39.1 Mpixels (112 MB uncompressed) - 7652x5104 pixels (25.5x17 in / 64.8x43.2 cm at 300 ppi)
Photography keywords: baleine, Baleine à bosse, Balena per battere, Ballena a joroba, Bottlenose dolphin, bottlenosed dolphin, cetace, cetacea, cetacean, Cetacé, dauphin, Delfin mular, Delfino tursio, delfín tonina, dive, dolphin, dolphins, Grand dauphin de l'indo-pacifique, Grosser Tümmler, groupe actif, humpback, Humpback whale, image, image sous-marine, island, jubarte, mammal, mammifère marin, marine, Megaptera, Megaptera novaeangliae, megattera, Mégaptère, novaeangliae, photo, photo sous marine, photo sous-marine, photographie, photography, plongée, pod, pod of whale, Roaz, roaz-corvineiro, rorcual jorobado, rorqual, rorqual à bosse, Réunion, sea, sous-marine, Trusiops truncatus, Tuimelaar, tursion, tursiope, underwater, underwater photography, Walfisch in Höcker, whale
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