Peacock-tail anemone shrimp
The peacock tail shrimp lives in association with sea anemones, particularly adhesive anemone as pictured.
They are beautiful, this one is particularly large, about 4 cm long.
Author: BARATHIEU Gabriel
Photography size: 33.0 Mpixels (94.4 MB uncompressed) - 7035x4690 pixels (23.5x15.6 in / 59.6x39.7 cm at 300 ppi)
Photography keywords: Ancylocaris brevicarpalis, anémone, brevicarpalis, Camarón anemone, camarón comensal chato, crevette, crevette nettoyeuse roi, Crevette Queue de Paon, crtitter, crusta, crustace, Crustacean, crustacé, dive, divind, Gamberetto commensale, glass anemone shrimp, image, image sous-marine, macro, paon, Peacock-tail anemone shrimp, periclimenes, Pfauenaugen-Partnergarnele, photo, photo photo sous-marine, photo sous-marine, photographie, photography, queue, shrimp, sous-marine, underwater