Humpback Whale
Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
A calf born about a month ago with his mother. You should know that calves can take up to 80 kg per day. They absolutely grow and take prompt forces to be ready to undertake their first major migration to the Antarctic.
Author: BARATHIEU Gabriel
Photography size: 19.8 Mpixels (56.5 MB uncompressed) - 5444x3629 pixels (18.1x12.1 in / 46.1x30.7 cm at 300 ppi)
Photography keywords: baleine, Baleine à bosse, calf, cetacea, cetacea, cetacean, dive, humpback, image, image sous-marine, island, mammal, mammifère marin, marine, novaeangliae, photo, photo sous marine, photo sous-marine, photographie, photography, plongée, Réunion, sea, sous-marine, underwater, underwater photography, whale