Whale Close Up
Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
The whale was beating of the tail to the surface of the water. You can see his eye looking at me while she was doing her show .....
Author: BARATHIEU Gabriel
Photography size: 21.0 Mpixels (60.2 MB uncompressed) - 5616x3744 pixels (18.7x12.5 in / 47.5x31.7 cm at 300 ppi)
Photography keywords: baleine, Baleine à bosse, cetacea, cetacean, dive, humpback, humpback whale, image, image sous-marine, island, mammal, mammifère marin, marine, Megaptera, novaeangliae, photo, photo sous marine, photo sous-marine, photographie, photography, plongée, Réunion, sea, sous-marine, underwater, underwater photography, whale, whale