Cephalopods are a class of molluscs that have tentacles. It includes octopuses, calamari, cuttlefish but also nautiluses. There are currently about 800 cephalopod species listed to date. They are present in all the oceans and seas of the world. From the ocean floor of the Mariana trench with the giant squid to the lagoon of Mayotte with reef octopuses and squids. They can be seen changing color and shape depending on the light or their moods. Sometimes, when they feel threatened, they do not hesitate to spit their ink to blind their predators and flee. Octopuses are part of the Octopodidae family. This means that they have eight arms or tentacles. Called Zoorit or Ourit in the Indian Ocean, but also Pwedza in Shimaore, octopuses are extremely intelligent animals. Very present in local traditional cuisine, they are often caught in the lagoons.