Humpback Whale
Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
I took this photo snorkeling, as all my photo cetacean elsewhere. I go to a depth of ten meter and it is at this time that the whale begins to frills. we have said that it was on purpose.
Author: BARATHIEU Gabriel
File state: Final
Photography size: 21.0 Mpixels (60.2 MB uncompressed) - 5616x3744 pixels (18.7x12.5 in / 47.5x31.7 cm at 300 ppi)
Photography keywords: baleine, Baleine à bosses, cetacea, cetacean, dive, humpback, image, image sous-marine, island, mammal, mammifère marin, marine, Megaptera, novaeangliae, photo, photo sous marine, photo sous-marine, photographie, photography, plongée, Réunion, sea, sous-marine, underwater, underwater photography, whale