Flow of Catfish
A school of catfish from the Mayotte reef photographed in slow exposure as well as with a strobe flash trigger (triggers during the exposure time) which allows to have this particular rendering. This species likes eelgrass meadows and seabed sandy detrital coral reefs and lagoons up to about 50 meters deep. Juveniles prefer shallow coastal waters.
Author: Gabriel BARATHIEU
Photography size: 120.4 Mpixels (345 MB uncompressed) - 13440x8960 pixels (44.8x29.9 in / 113.8x75.9 cm at 300 ppi)
Photography keywords: balibot rayé, cat fish, coral catfish, fish, Flow of Catfish, Getreepte koraalmeerval, Korallenwels, machouaran, Masouran, mâchoiron, Patuna raiada, Patuna rayada, Pesce gatto striato, poisson chat, poisson-chat bourdon, Poisson-chat de mer rayé, second curtain, striped catfish, Striped eel catfish, striped sea catfish, tropical fish